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Crimson Viper / C. Viper from Street Fighter

When Street Fighter IV came out I ran to pick up my copy and became hooked to playing, especially as Crimson Viper. A-kon in Dallas was less than a month away but I felt gutsy like I should do the costume because it would show love for a new SF character when new characters can be left in the dust. I expected a few fans to notice me. A FEW. I was wrong. Not only were people impressed with the braid I made in 2 weeks but it seemed EVERYONE knew the character. At one point I stood in a single spot in the Dealers Room for 45 minutes, unable to move b/c I kept getting my photo taken.. I was a happy cosplayer :)


I've been blessed to be featured by Game Informer and for the costume. 

Hair piece: The question I always get about this costume is obvious.. how the hell did I make that head piece? Yes, its a headpiece, no not a wig and no not my own hair @_@. The full description to how I made it can be found in the forums of Short version: 8 packs of weave hair in Henna Red + hot water treatment + long fiber filled hotdog shaped headpiece + hot glue + silicone caulk + blisters + unusable spare bathroom for 2 weeks + PATIENCE = C. Viper braid :)

Suit: Throw together from existing closet suit pieces, modified shirt to be shorter, jacket smaller, added buttons to both

​Glasses: Lenses from yellow Forever 21 glasses with a middle piece sculpted from paperclay. Spirit gum to my face! Yup!

Gloves: Several sets have been made. Best is a tight pair, hole custom cut, hot glue pieces for knuckles painted silver and attached separately. Liquid silver added to gloves for lines for details. 


Photography: Top 4: Cristina Wisner // Bottom 4: Eurobeat King         Conventions: Akon, AFest, Gem City

​​© Copyright 2012 Phoenix Kasai Costumes. Many hours along with blood, sweat and tears went into these costumes. Please respect. 

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