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Roman Phoenix Goddess - Original

No this has nothing to do with Jean Grey, Phoenix or Dark Phoenix ;) Its simply my interpretation of a phoenix as a warrior goddess.


This is an original piece I created for a wearable art show in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The entire bodice is made from faux emu leather and each of those little pieces I had to cut out by hand and stitch on.. UHH! Next the skirt is made of several kinds of satin, silk and chiffon in layers. The same process was done for the arms/sleeves. I made additional wire pieces for the show; one being a arm gauntlet and one being a shoulder guard. Once I have more professional photos up I'll get ones with the wire armor. :)

​​© Copyright 2012 Phoenix Kasai Costumes. Many hours along with blood, sweat and tears went into these costumes. Please respect. 

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